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Alagappa University Admission 2008 [ MPhil ] |
Alagappa University Admission 2008 (A State University Established by the Govt, of Tamilnadu) Accredited with 'A' Grade by "NAAC" Karaikudi - 630003.
Admission 2008-2009
Applications are invited for admission to M.Phil. Full time Program in the following subjects by the University Departments.
Tamil Mathematics English Computer Science Commerce (Entrance) Women's Studies Physical Education Education Corporate Secretaryship Management Bank Management Oceanography & Coastal Area Studies Physics International Business Industrial Chemistry Library and Information Science
Eligibility: Minimum percentage of marks required for admission to the M.Phil. Program is 55% Eligibility requirements for admission to the program and other details are available in the prospectus.
The application cost for M.Phil Program is Rs.500/-. The application form can be had from the Registrar on requisition accompanied by a Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Registrar, Alagappa University payable at Karaikudi by enclosing a self-addressed stamped {Rs.15.00) envelope of 35cm x 10cm by post.
The University reserves the right to offer any course depending on viability.
Last Date for issue and receipt of applications is 08.08.2008.
For more details and for downloading of applications, please visit our website: www.alagappauniversity.ac.in
Alagappa University Admission 2008 |