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KJ Somaiyya Medical College & Research
Courses Offers:
Contact Details:
Name : KJ Somaiyya Medical College & Research
URL : www.somaiya.com
AddressLine1 : Somaiya Ayur Vihar Complex
AddressLine2 : Eastern Highway,Sion
AddressLine3 : Mumbai - 400022 Maharashtra.
District : Mumbai
State : Maharashtra
Country : India
Telephone : 022-24090253
Email : [email protected]

The K.J. Somaiya Medical College is also affiliated to the K.J. Somaiya Hospital and Research Centre, which is the first affiliation of its kind in Bombay. The K.J. Somaiya Hospital and Research Centre began functioning in January, 1992. Through its staff of highly trained and qualified personnel, the hospital offers advanced diagnostic and curative services to its patients. It provides full service in all basic medical disciplines including 24 hour emergency service. On the medical education front, the hospital trains the best young minds in the country in the diagnosis and cure of various ailments. What's more, the K.J. Somaiya Hospital and Resarch Centre is also planning the construction of a private specialized hospital which will rival the best in the world. Affiliated to the University of Bombay, the K.J. Somaiya Medical College follows regulations set by the university as well as the Medical Council of India. The K.J. Somaiya Medical College is also affiliated to the K.J. Somaiya Hospital and Research Centre, which is the first affiliation of its kind in Bombay. Currently, the Medical College admits 100 students, and is planning to raise its student body to 150-200 students in the near future. Its students avail of the very latest state-of-the-art equipment, supplemented with vital qualitive inputs through proper professional training. In accordance with current rules which stipulate 7 beds per students, the K.J. Somaiya Hospital and Research Centre has 700 beds. These beds will be provided on a free medical basis, i.e. the cost to the patient will only cover room and board. Presently, these facilities come free of cost. As the strength of the students increase, the number of beds will also increase to 1050-1400 beds in the near future. In addition, the K.J. Somaiya Medical College is considering affiliations with other hospitals in Bombay to further increase the number of beds available to its students. Being the first ever private medical college in Bombay on a 'No Grant' basis, the hospital has never suffered the problem of low standards. It caters to the needs of a wide spectrum of people, bringing the benefits of modern medical expertise to the needy. The K.J.Somaiya School for Nursing, started in 1994, is among the top training schools of its kind, and forms an integral part of the Ayurvihar Medical Complex. K.J.SOMAIYA MEDICAL COLLEGE MUMBAI The following departments in the College are headed by the following qualified and experienced staff:

1. Anatomy Dr. I.M.Mehta, M.D. 2. Physiology Dr. Sheela Bhatia, M.D. 3. Biochemistry Dr. A.V. Potnis, M.Sc. Ph.D. 4. Pathology Dr. (Mrs) S.S.Avasare, M.D. 5. Pharmacology Dr. (Mrs) V.Kulkarni, M.D. 6. Microbiology Dr. (Mrs. S. Parameswaran, M.D. 7. Forensic Medicine Dr. K.R. Khade, M.D. 8. Community Medicine Dr. (Mrs) V.R. Bhalerao, M.D. 9. Ophthalmology Dr. (Mrs) Premini Janardhanan. M.S. 10. ENT Dr. S.S. Joshi, M.S. 11. Medicine Dr. P.S. Shankar, M.D. FAMS 12. Surgery Dr. V.V. Dewoolkar, M.S. 13. Paediatrics Dr. (Mrs) S.F. Irani, M.D. 14. Dermatology Dr. R.G. Valia DVD 15. Psychiatry Dr. Bharat Shah, M.D. 16. Radiodiagnosis Dr. Sudhir Kherde, M.D. 17. Orthopaedics Dr. Derick D'Lima, M.S. 18. Dentistry Dr. (Mrs) Nandana Patil, M.D.S. 19. Anaesthesiology Dr. (Mrs) S.R. Durve, M.D. 20. Obstetrics & Gynaecology Dr. (Mrs) Geeta Niyogi. M.D.