Satyam Placement Papers |
Satyam Placement Papers | Satyam Interview Procedure | Satyam Aptitude Questions | Satyam TechniSatyaml Questions | Satyam Interview Questions
SATYAM COMPUTERS (HYDERABAD) ----------------------------
--------- ANTONYMS --------- 1)disregarded A) heed 2) GRE book pg no. 407 q.no. 13-16 para ie:in a certain society.... 3)GRE .............446, 8th quest A) 1 4)GRE..............487, 8th..... 5).................488, 14th...... 6).................513, 4 &8 ..... 7) if A+B+C+D is a +ve no's then a) one must be +ve no's b) two .............. c)three ............. d)all ................ 8) GRE pg no.586 32nd qst. 9)if x+y =3 and y/x=2 then y= a)0 b) 1/2 c)1 d)3/2 e)2 17) how many squares with sides 1/2 inch long are needed to cover a rectangle that is 4 feet long & 6feet wide a)24 b)96 c)3456 d)13824 e)14266 18)GMAT pg.no. 439 passage 1 with question 1to9 on pg.440- 441 excluding qst.no.2 GMAT pg.442 passage. 2 excluding q.nos.11, 15. 20) successive discounts of 20% and 15% are equal to a single discount of ; a)30% b) 32% c)34% d) 35% e)36% ans) 32% if x/y =4 and y is not '0' what % of 'x' is '2x-y' ans:175% if x=y=2z and xyz =256 then x= ans: 8 23)if 2x-y=4 then 6x-y is ans:12
1-8 q's on bus route. a b c d e a x 8 15 20 7 b 6 x 9 13 21 c 10 12 x 3 11 d 9 1 18 x 5 e 3 4 17 14 x where x is starting point.a&e are first and last stations.and b,c,d are intermediate stations. fig's are no. of passengers.cost of ticket is 0.7Rs /pass. between any successive stations. based on this few q's were given. the fig's are not correct. q's like total no.of pass.in onward journey. Rest of q's are 2 statements were given. u have to answer they are correct or not .littlebit easy.
Satyam Placement Papers | Satyam Interview Procedure | Satyam Aptitude Questions | Satyam TechniSatyaml Questions | Satyam Interview Questions
section3 -------- simple q's from r.s agarwal_quantitative apt. 1.1/10power18 - 1/10power20 .....value? 2.pipes-leaking-cisterns. paper2 ------------ 1.general awareness.2. 1.father of computers 2.expand HTML,DMA,FAT,LAN,WAN,FDDetc 3.intel's first micropro...a.pentium b.pentiumproetc 4.1024(dec)convert to hexa&octal 5.first micro.pro.a)8085b)8088etc 6..motorola's processor name? 7.windows_NT expand 8.simple programs on pascal&c 9.diff between 8087,8086 (which is latest vers.)
10.some basic q's on GUI. 11.q's on IBMpc 12.one program on finding factorial