CAT Antonyms Question Papers 02 Sample Question : Antonyms |
ANIMOSITY parody retardation sincerity refutation canaraderie Ans : E
INVETERATE uninvited illiterate cumulative beginning incompetent Ans : D
SCOTCH renovate encourage entrust ameliorate Ans : B
PREDILECTION ambiguity unwillingness to choose desire to please propensity to dislike stereotype Ans : D
CHOLERIC good-natured spoiled irascible immune idiotic. Ans : A
EXACERBATE contemplate bewilder reward better horify Ans : D
EQUANIMITY clamour volume disparity agitation caution Ans : D
ANIMADVERSION gullibility precision praise sobriety criticize Ans : C
EXHUME enter fertilize inter decay clarify Ans : C
CALLOW rustic crude exquisite experienced migratory Ans : D
CUPIDITY generosity love anxiety entertainment tragedy. Ans : A
ANIMOSITY parody retardation sincerity refutation canaraderie Ans : B
INVETERATE uninvited illiterate cumulative beginning incompetent Ans : A
SATURNINE : quick – wilted genial heavy – handed distinguished devout Ans : E
PERSPICACIOUS : Insufficiently precise of indefinite duration dull wilted lacking intrinsic value condemnatory Ans : D
INCARCERATE : summon assist liberate anticipate confide Ans : C
INSOLVENCY : ability to sustain growth concentration coherence ability to pay one’s debts compatibility Ans : D
EFFLUVIA : controlled reactions predictable results important examples descried products relevant theories Ans : C
APPOSITE : parallel synonymous hostile inappropriate vague Ans : D
GRATUITOUS : frank pithy warranted frugal ingenuous Ans : A
PREFATORY : intelligent outstanding predatory conclusive magnificent Ans : E
CONCILIATE : arrive appeal retaliate estrange lie Ans : B
SUBSERVIENT : fawning obsequious miserly omnipresent haughty Ans : C
VAUNTED : berated belittled lauded wicked worried Ans : C
QUOTA : Anonymous remark decisive action debatable issue unlimited number irrelevant topic Ans : D
CONTENTIOUS : satisfied pacific hungry bellicose dissatisfied Ans : D
OBLOQUY : fame name inquiry shame collogue Ans : D
PENCHANT : distaste scabbard agreement earring beginning Ans : C
BALEFUL : empty tasty gaudy full congenial Ans : D
CURT : contractual precise honest voluble peremptory Ans : D