CAT Antonyms Question Papers 01 Sample Question : Antonyms |
Directions: Each of the CAT sample antonyms questions below consists of a word printed in Italics, followed by five words or phrase as choices. Choose the word or phrase which is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capitals and shade the alphabets marked in the grid on your answer sheet.
Following are some CAT sample antonyms questions.
ABOMINATE : loathe despise adore abhor attach Ans : C
OBSEQUIOUS : servile first fawning supercilious improper Ans : D
OROTUND : not resonant not reddish not eager pompous loud Ans : A
RECANT : entangle rescue fail assert predict Ans : D
UPBRAID : defer vacillate sever conjoin laud Ans : E
PLENITUDE : luxury magnificence richness contentment scarcity Ans : E
SCURRILOUS : decent savage major volatile scabby Ans : A
FULMINATION : praise repetition escape ratification addition Ans : A
DISTEND deteriorate weaken constrict concentrate fold Ans : C
TOUT cast aspersions on deny the relevance of placate withhold consent misrepresent Ans : E
SQUALID fervid florid pristine extraneous abundant Ans : C
SCOTCH renovate entrust unfasten encourage emphasize Ans : D
PERFIDY tact generosity thoroughness loyalty gratitude Ans : D
OUTLANDISH conventional prolific unchanging transparent noticeable Ans : A
PLUMB reversed lofty horizontal thin light Ans : C
FERVID undistinguished unexpected stubborn restrained discouraged Ans : D
VACUITY quality certainty plenitude stability incontinence Ans : C
RAVEL knit omit remain silent measure increase in value Ans : A
PERSISTENCE irrelevance inconstancy inequality intemperance incompetence. Ans : B
SUBROSA openly fashionably under the owse simply clandestinely Ans : A
PREFATORY : intelligent outstanding predatory conclusive magnificent Ans : E
CONCILIATE : arrive appeal retaliate estrange lie Ans : B
SUBSERVIENT : fawning obsequious miserly omnipresent haughty Ans : C
VAUNTED : berated belittled lauded wicked worried Ans : C
QUOTA : Anonymous remark decisive action debatable issue unlimited number irrelevant topic Ans : D
CONTENTIOUS : satisfied pacific hungry bellicose dissatisfied Ans : D
OBLOQUY : fame name inquiry shame collogue Ans : D
PENCHANT : distaste scabbard agreement earring beginning Ans : C
BALEFUL : empty tasty gaudy full congenial Ans : D
CURT : contractual precise honest voluble peremptory Ans : D